
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Making Money with a Vending Machine

A vending machine might not be a quick way to financial success, but it can certainly help increase your revenue, especially if you own a business in a busier location. Before investing in a vending machine, you should consider if you have enough traffic through or past your business to make it profitable, if you need a license in your area to put up a vending machine and how much you can afford per month to install a vending machine.

Rent Don’t Buy

The first rule of making money with a vending machine is that you should rent cheaply rather than making an expensive purchase.
Many vending machines are very inexpensive to rent, but can be very pricey should you chose to purchase. On average, since you won’t be seeing any massive returns on your vending machine, it’s better to cut off a small slice of your profits each month in exchange for not being stuck with a machine should it not take off.

Place in a Good Location

If your vending machine isn’t in front of people and very easy to access, then it won’t do anything. You should ensure that your location has both traffic, availability and an easy way to display the machine. The more traffic, the more money your vending machine will make.

Keep Your Vending Machine Stocked

Whether the company you’re renting your vending machine from does the stocking; or you do it yourself, it’s important to make sure that your vending machine stays stocked at all times. If your machine isn’t stocked, you aren’t making money. Since you might be paying taxes as well as rent and stock, you could even be losing money if your vending machine is empty. Keep it stocked by paying attention and making sure that whoever is stocking it knows the volume of traffic that goes through your area.

A vending machine can be a profitable investment, especially since a rental might cost less than what you would pay an employee for one hour. The more vending machines you have in different areas, the more money you will make. Other considerations include selling items and brands that are popular in an area, for example, you can research to see what type of soda or snacks is most popular in your area before you rent a vending machine. You should also research your vending machine rental to ensure that you’re getting a good deal, good service and technicians willing to service your vending machine should anything go wrong.

When renting vending machines, make sure you look for top quality vendors with experience and plenty of service technicians, no matter how much your vending machine sells. 

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