
Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to Increase Brand Awareness with Promotional Products

For so many startups, knowing where to begin with building a brand is a difficult task. While you know what your company stands for, your customers are still new to your idea and what differentiates you, your product and/or service in the market you are entering. This is your opportunity to make a first impression and define your company in a way that will pique customer interest and drive sales.

One way some startups do this is through advertising. However, advertising is expensive for many businesses, and most startups operate on a shoestring budget. Another option is to have items custom made to sport your brand. With promotional products, your brand can stand apart from the crowd and your logo can gain valuable recognition without having to invest in costly traditional advertising methods, such as television or radio.

When your company is in its first stages of growth, here are a few ways you can use promotional products to boost your brand image and generate more sales.

  • Find a product that represents your brand – The item you hand out to customers should leave an impression. It should show prospects what they can expect to receive as a result of purchasing your product or service. For example, if your product eases the workload for busy professionals, using stress balls for the office as a giveaway can send a signal of the intangible benefits your company delivers.
  • Put your logo on the product strategically – Once you have decided on which promotional product you think would work best for your brand, the next step is to decide where to put your logo. This should be done in a way that your logo stands out but is not so obvious that the recipient is unlikely to use it. For example, if you are giving away a T-shirt, try putting your logo on the sleeve instead of making the shirt too wild. This way, more people will see your logo and also be likely to wear your apparel.
  • Write a message that will bring it all together – While you may have a very clever way of tying your business together with your promotional product, the tie-in may not be as obvious to others. To define your brand and make your products meaningful – and thereby more fun to use – create a message around why you have selected the product in question. If you are an accounting business giving away a calculator, write something clever, such as “Crunching the numbers for you.” This will help your promotional product make a bigger impact.

Promotional products offer a unique way to create a brand image within your community and at tradeshows without the large investment of advertising. With these tips, your next promotional product purchase will be a success.

Cameron enjoys writing about various topics. One of them happens to be business. If you'd like to learn more about stress balls for the office, please visit

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