
Thursday, November 22, 2012

How To Organise Your Workload

Organisation is the key to productivity, yet all too often we find ourselves sifting through mountains of paper to find the piece we want, racing from one task to another without a moment’s pause for breath or quite simply realizing we forgot to do something vital just at the point when it is too late. Learning how to organize your workload efficiently can help prevent these occurrences from ever happening again.

Make Lists

You will have heard this time and again, because it really is the most efficient way of staying on top of things.
The ten minutes you spend writing down and prioritizing your tasks will save you forty minutes otherwise lost through disorganization  The best thing to do is use the ‘rule of three’ – divide all your tasks into three separate lists. One should be things which must be done today, one things which must be done in the next few days and one for everything else. Work through the first two lists in order of priority and place list number three out of sight. Only get list three out if you complete everything on the first two lists. This ensures you don’t forget less pressing tasks but also stops you from being distracted by them.

Set Up A Good Filing System

If you find you have a couple of hours of free time at any point use it to re-organize your filing system in a clear and simple fashion. Keep documents you use regularly close to hand and archives clearly labelled but out of the way. Use this time to set up the rest of your equipment also. Make sure you have a good supply of pens, staples, paper and anything else you might need within easy reach of your desk. Designate one drawer of your desk for stationery and keep everything you need in it. If you have space set up an in-tray for work requests you haven’t yet added to the list.

Be Prepared

Enter every meeting or appointment with a clear set of objectives and get straight to the point wherever possible. Make notes beforehand and stick to the plan of action if you can, while remaining open to suggestions of course. If you feel a meeting or appointment is going to be a waste of your time, try to politely mention it to whoever is involved in organizing it. If you can point out clearly and concisely without being rude just why this meeting is of no benefit to you or you to it then you may be able to delete it from your schedule.

Learn To Say No

Sometimes we take on so much work it makes our heads spin. Evaluate each task before agreeing to do it and be realistic about how long things are going to take and how much time you have to offer. If you can’t help someone, direct them to another who can but don’t offer help if you really haven’t got the time.

This post was brought to you on behalf of leading office chair supplier - providers of designer office furniture to compliment any working environment.
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