
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Is Leaflet Distribution Still a Viable Option in the Internet Age?

In the modern world of Social Media Marketing, Pair Search and Search Engine Optimisation it would be easy to both forget about and discount leaflet distribution as a form of advertising all together.

Well stop right there and read on to find out the benefits direct marketing can offer you and more pertinently leaflet distribution.

First things first we should dispel some of the myths which surround leaflet distribution, most of which are formed from peoples own personal experiences and views on leaflet distribution.

Leaflet Distribution Myths Busted

  1. People do not like to receive “junk mail” Simply not true, just under 80% of UK residents read, keep or pass on literature they receive through the post.
  2. Leaflet distribution simply doesn’t work, 48% of recipients actually visit a shop, buy a product or request further details.
  3. Leaflets are not kept, perhaps not always but 38% of people will keep them for at least a few days and 13 for a week or so.

There is also another strong case to make for leaflet distribution which many people often overlook, especially detractors of this form of advertising. We think it is a safe bet that somewhere in your house, probably in the kitchen or perhaps near your phone you will have a draw brimming with takeaway menus. 

Yes takeaway menu’s through the door may be viewed as nuisance by some but the fact they hang around in our drawers proves that there is use to be had from direct marketing literature.

Yes obviously takeaway and restaurant menus are a perfect match for leaflet distribution and serve as a good example that if you have the right targeting for your industry success is possible.

With the right approach to targeting added to well produced leaflets most industries will see a positive return from Leaflet Distribution, here’s how the targeting works –

Geo-Demographic Targeting – Software is used to for profiling potential target customers and will then identify postal code areas which have a high percentage make up of your target audience.

Area Targeting – Mapping systems allow for precise distribution areas to be set out, ideal for businesses operating purely in the local community.

There are number of different target groups which are compiled with a mixture of data from past census’ , council tax bandings, directorship and shareholder data, consumer credit data and also the electoral roll.
The result of compiling this data leads to 10 target categories around the UK ranging from Poorer White & Blue Collar workers at 16.69% to the smallest pool Affluent Singles & Couples in Exclusive Urban Neighbourhoods at 3.44%.

As you can see the two groups just mentioned are at the extreme ends with a number of other varied markets available.

DBS Leaflet Distribution have been providing a range of direct marketing services to UK clients for 25 years.

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