
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Keys To Unlocking Business Success: The Top 10 Business Tips From The Worlds Biggest Entrepreneurs

Success, like a lock, needs only the right keys to be opened. Once those keys are located and utilized, any possibility can be freed. Here are the top 10 business tips from the world’s biggest entrepreneurs:

1) Richard Branson: “Don’t do it if you don’t enjoy it.”

The adventurous Englishman uses this one phrase to sum-up his key to success. For Branson, enjoyment is the most valuable asset, even more valuable than money. For the 62 year-old tycoon realizes that if you don’t like what you are doing, you will contract the worst illness in the entire business world: mediocrity.

2) Alan Sugar: “Clarify your goal.”

Sugar is an intimidating business magnate who doesn’t believe in blurring his intentions. To him, goals are desires that are given direction. An entrepreneur must know, specifically, what they want, what will happen when they get it and what challenges stand in the way.

3) Lawrence Ellison: “The more you win, the more you want to win.”

Lawrence Ellison’s company, Oracle, might as well be named Desire, because that is the quality most important to the software savant. Never stop wanting, Ellison chants, because if you do, your opponents will get exactly what they want.

4) Sergey Brin: “We just want to have great people working for us.”

Success is a wheel, and each person that contributes to it is a spoke. Brin doesn’t believe in going at it alone. With the help of a friend, he co-founded Google, an internet search company that helps strangers find exactly what they’re looking for.

5) Jeffrey Bezos: “Obsess about customers.”

The captain of says don’t worry about co-workers or competitors, be worried about the people who pay your bills.

6) Pierre Omidyar: “There’s something worth trying here.”

The eBay creator believes that you have to be a little disrespectful of those that came before you. If you only do what’s been done by other people, you will never do what hasn’t been done.

7) Carlos Slim: “Reinvest the profits.”

Slim understands that money that leaves the company usually doesn’t come back. Take what you make and put it back into your efforts.

8) Steve Jobs: “Ask for feedback.”

Apple is probably the most customer-friendly company in the world. No other brand is as adored by its users. Jobs found this out early and passed it on to his successors.

9) Mark Zuckerberg: “Get a mentor.”

Zuckerberg looks back at some of the simple mistakes he made in the early years of Facebook and wishes someone more experienced had been at his side. Do what he has done and find someone who knows more than you.

10) Warren Buffett: “Never depend on a single income.”

Make investments in several different realms of business. This ensures a constant and reliable stream of income.

These are the top 10 business tips from the world’s biggest entrepreneurs. They are not mystical or complicated, and if followed, can release the kind of success that most people have to keep contained.

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